What can a website do for your business?

Student using smart phone with educational website

First of all, a good website. 

What is meant by that?

  1. Responsive, above all. That is, it needs to automatically adjust to the size of the screen on which the visitor is viewing your site. So many people use their mobile phones these days to interact on the internet, to look for things and for shopping. If your website doesn’t appear legible and easy-to-navigate on the screen of a mobile, chances are you are losing traffic to your site, and probably losing customers.
  2. Fast loading. This one depends on your server, the quality of the hosting you have. Yes, there are “free websites” and cheap hostings, but those probably won’t satisfy this requirement. You need a solid service, unlimited storage space and regular updates so that the security of the site remains intact all times. 
  3. SEO taken care of: all the pages indexed and with keywords, the content is written in a way to respond to the curiosity of the visitor. This makes sure your website is found by those who look for topics, services connected to your field.
  4. After all the background is laid, next comes the website’s content and design: how it is written and structured, to channel the interest of the visitors into an action they take on the website. After all, you want them to get in touch with you.
  5. For eCommerce sites: a crazy smooth shopping and checkout experience. Easy-to-use menu and navigation, fast loading pages, simple and secure payment. (not to mention the “of course” items: terms & conditions, privacy policy, customer service after the sale).

And that’s all, in a nutshell. Would you like to get a personalized consulting, with an assessment of your site and tailor-made pointers on how to improve it? We can go into more detail in a conversation. Contact us, we will be happy to help.

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