The Age of eCommerce and Food Delivery

Web design for food delivery restaurants

The last two years have seen a boost in the number of online shops and food delivery sites. Online sales have increased and become more common, as lots of people discovered the comfort of purchasing literally anything online, without having to lift a finger … okay, maybe they needed to lift a finger, but that’s about it 😀

Online ordering systems are particularly convenient for restaurants that —with our system— can render the ordering process extremely smooth and fast, without having to jot down the phone order. In high-traffic hours it can be a real life saver. The setup we designed leaves more time for the personnel to prepare the order and makes for a prompt delivery which will surely be appreciated by any customer.

Check out some of the food delivery sites we designed over the last year and let us know if you are thinking of creating your own food delivery site!

web design pizza place
Website of Pronto Pizza
web design restaurante food delivery
Website of Da Mè, steakhouse restaurant
web design food delivery
Website of SR Take Away for Mexican and Indian food delivery
web design restaurant food delivery
Website of Restaurant Pizzeria Schwert, eCommerce for food and pizza delivery

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